Ensure physical distancing

Requirements: We will ensure workers and visitors are 1.5m apart as much as possible. This can be done by –

  • Displaying signs to show patron limits at the entrance of enclosed areas where limits apply (entrance to venue; reminders at Bars / Skate hire)

Also in place:

  • Initial queueing outside venue. All ticket holders to ensure their ticket names match photo ID.
  • Markers on floors where queues likely to form.
  • Separate entrance to and exit from venue.
  • Patrons are encouraged to ensure Ticket names match the photo ID for each person entering the venue so that entry that is as contactless as possible and quick to enter. Those that need to adjust this will be asked to do this outside prior to entering the venue.

Requirements: You must apply density quotient to configure shared work areas and publicly accessible spaces to ensure that –

  • All staff positions will have two square meters of space indoors except skate hire where staff will be asked to wear masks when 1.5 m distancing cannot be maintained
  • Rink Capacities are designed to give 4+square meters of space per skater
  • Dance floor capacity is at least 4 square meters of space per person.

Requirements: You should provide training to workers on physical distancing expectations while working and socialising. This should include –

  • Workers and patrons to follow current public health directions when carpooling. This can be found at
    • Workers and patrons to follow current public health directions when traveling on public transport. Masks must be worn at all times. We will ensure all workers wear a face covering as per public health advice.

This includes –

  • Providing adequate face coverings and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to workers that do not have their own.
  • Gloves and sanitising spray will also be available to all staff and patrons.


  • Induction for staff will include, instruction and guidance on how to correctly fit, use and dispose of PPE; managing patrons and queueing; Sanitising procedures for skates and safety gear; first aid protocols; and general OHS obligations.
  • cloth masks should be washed each day after use. However, if during the day the mask is visibly dirty or wet, the mask needs to be washed immediately.

Practise good hygiene

We will frequently and regularly clean and disinfect shared spaces, including high-touch communal items such as Bars, tables, and doors.

  • Both venue and rink staff will clean surfaces with appropriate cleaning products, including detergent and disinfectant.
  • Clean high touch surfaces at least every two hours.
  • All bars and cloak rooms will accept contactless “tap n go” payments.
  • There will be no ticket sales at the door.
  • A cleaning log will be displayed in Bathroom spaces.
  • Soap and hand sanitiser will be available for all workers and customers throughout the worksite and encourage we encourage regular hand-washing by both staff and patrons.
  • Please let staff know if you have concerns about any of our facilities.

Keep records and act quickly if workers become unwell

All workers will be supported to get tested and stay home even if they only have mild symptoms.

  • Any staff who are not feeling well should notify Tamsin ( as early as possible, even if they think they may be able to work. We will support all staff to get CoVID tested and isolate as medically required and according to the guidelines. We’ll also ensure those without access to JobSeeker Payments are paid sick leave to ensure they stay at home when required.

Requirements: You must develop a business contingency plan to manage any outbreaks. This includes –

  • A Business contingency plan is in place to manage any notifications of a positive case of a worker or patron. Should you need to access this plan, please contact Tamsin (
  • Workers who show symptoms or have been in close contact should NOT attend the workplace until they receive their test results.
  • Patrons will be separated into 3 primary zones whilst attending the event, this is to minimise risks associated with having to identify and notify close contacts in the event of a positive case attending the workplace during their infectious period 3 COVIDSafe Plan.
  • If a positive case is identified at the event we will contact DHHS and notify the actions taken, provide a copy of the risk assessment conducted and contact details of any close contacts.
  • if we have identified a person with coronavirus (COVID-19) at your workplace, we will immediately notify WorkSafe Victoria on 13 23 60

Requirements You must keep records of all people who enter the workplace for contact tracing.

  • All ticket holders must ensure their name matches photo ID on entry for contact tracing purposes.
  • All staff have their current and emergency contact details recorded with their manager.

Avoid interactions in enclosed spaces

Requirements You should reduce the amount of time workers are spending in enclosed spaces. This could include –

  • All workers will be located within the physical distancing requirements of current public health orders.
  • Only one shift of workers will be scheduled at this event.